
Tim Baker

Web Developer - Graphic Artist - User Experience Designer

Who am I?

I am an athlete at heart, with an entrepreneurial spirit, a knack for online security, and a passion for coding.


My work life, as it stands, has unfortunately not included any professional coding experience. I have worked for an instrumentation company, the IT department for School District 60, and the City of Fort St. John, most recently. Living in Northern British Columbia between years of University, and paying my own way through University without student loans, I didn't have much choice but to go where the money was. Nevertheless, I have (nearly) finished my Bachelors of Computer Science with Software Engineering specialty from the University of Victoria. When I say nearly finished, I mean that I have 2 online Calculus courses left to take and I will be finished.

My hope is to find web development work in a fairly small company, preferably using a modern javascript-based stack that will eventually allow me to work remotely. I love to travel and my dream is to have my work allow me to have a real impact on the company while also allowing me to see the world.


If at any point in my life growing up, you were to ask me: "What is your favorite thing to do?" the answer would be sports 100% of the time. I have been a born athlete ever since I can remember and my favorite free time activity was always whatever sport my buddies were all playing at the time. The one that I truly fell in love with was soccer (or football) though and I have gone on to play at the college level and have most recently played division 1 on Vancouver Island for the last 4 years. I got into programming on my parents recommendation after seeing my outrage, having been banned from Xbox live for hacking Call of Duty 4 when I was 17. This was the best decision of my life and I can't imagine where I would be if I hadn't chosen this path. From my early days of saving cash from my paper route and trading pokemon cards, I have always shown an entrepreneurial side. At the age of 21 I started my first online business selling fighting gear. Now, having finished with University, I am traveling for a year with my girlfriend and will be looking to start the next chapter of my life, hopefully as a web developer.